The limitations of high school dance, dansa, educació, education, espai, estudis, high school, institut, Jaume, overcoming, space, studies, superació
Are university students ready for the job market? àmbit laboral, carrera, educació, education, estudis, failure, feina, fracàs, internships, laboral, Montes, Pep, policy, política, pràctiques, studies, universitat, university, work, work environment
The role of education in empowerment acompanyament, apoderament, autoretrat, educació, education, empowerment, guidance, joventut, Mohamed, Pere, policy, polítiques, self-portrait, Soler, youth
There's no culture in school absència d'art, art, Clotet, creativitat, creativity, cultura, culture, educació, education, escola, escoles, Font, formació, Judit, lack of art, Montes, Muntsa, Pep, school, training
Identity and education batxillerat, carrera, Damaris, educació, education, high school, institut, studies
High school and empowerment apoderament, decisions, educació, education, empowerment, espai, high school, institut, professors, space, teachers